
Schools In the USA That Offer Scholarship To International Students

Studying in the US can be an exciting opportunity for international students. Still, it can also be a daunting one, especially when it comes to the financial aspect of it. The tuition and living expenses can be quite high, and international students are not eligible for the same financial aid as their American counterparts. 



However, many universities and colleges in the USA offer scholarships specifically for international students, providing financial assistance to help cover their education costs. In this post, we will discuss the types of scholarships available, highlight some of the schools that offer them, and provide tips on how to apply.


Scholarships for international students can come from both public and private sources. Public scholarships are administered by state governments or local communities, whereas individual donors fund private scholarships. Both types of scholarships may provide tuition waivers or grants for books and supplies. Many also offer stipends for living expenses such as rent.


Types Of Scholarships Available For International Students


Several types of scholarships are available for international students studying in the USA. Some of the most common types include:


Merit-based scholarships are given to students based on their academic achievements, such as high grades or test scores. These scholarships can be very competitive but also provide significant financial aid. The University, college, or external organizations or foundations can award merit-based scholarships.


Need-based scholarships: These scholarships are offered to students based on their financial needs. International students may be eligible for need-based scholarships if they demonstrate that they do not have the financial support to pay for their education. The University, college, or external organizations or foundations can award these scholarships.


Department-specific scholarships: Some departments within a school or University may offer scholarships specifically for students in that field. These scholarships are usually awarded to students enrolled in a specific program or major and can be merit-based or need-based.


List Of Schools That Offer Scholarships To International Students

Studying in the US for an international student can be difficult, especially when funding your education. However, many universities in the US offer scholarships to international students to help ease the financial burden of studying abroad. In this section, we will explore some of the top universities in the US that offer scholarships to international students and provide information on their application process.


Harvard University


This University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and offers a variety of scholarships to international students. The International Scholarship Program at Harvard is designed to provide financial assistance to students from countries outside the US. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board based on academic merit and financial need. To qualify for Havard’s scholarships, you must have a strong academic record, demonstrate financial incapabilities, and be able to participate fully in the Harvard community.


For more information, click here.


Stanford University


Stanford University is another highly-ranked US university that offers international students scholarships. The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program is another scholarship program that provides full funding for graduate studies at Stanford. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board and is awarded based on academic merit and leadership potential. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must have a good academic record and demonstrate leadership potential.


For more information, click here.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a world-renowned university that offers scholarships to international students. The International Student Scholarships are awarded to students from countries outside the US based on academic merit and financial need. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board and is awarded based on academic merit and needs. To be eligible, you must have a strong academic history, demonstrate financial need, and be able to participate fully in the MIT community.


For more information, click here. 


Princeton University


Princeton University is another highly-ranked US university that offers international students scholarships. The Davis International Fellows Program is a scholarship program for international students that provides full funding for graduate study at Princeton. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board and is awarded based on academic merit and leadership potential. To be eligible for this scholarship, students must have a great academic record and demonstrate leadership potential.


For more information, click here.


University of California, Berkeley


The University of California, Berkeley, is another public research university that offers scholarships to international students. The International Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to students from countries outside the US based on academic merit. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board and is awarded based on academic merit. Applicants must have a strong academic record and be able to participate fully in the Berkeley community to be eligible for this scholarship.


For more information, click here.


California Institute of Technology (Caltech)


Caltech is another world-renowned university that offers scholarships to international students. The International Student Scholarships are awarded to students from countries outside the US based on academic merit and financial need. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board based on academic merit and financial need. To qualify for this scholarship, you must have a decent academic track record, demonstrate financial need, and be able to participate fully in the Caltech community.


For more information, click here. 


University of Chicago


This private research university also offers scholarships to international students. The International House Global Voices program is a scholarship program for international students that provides full funding for graduate study at the University of Chicago. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board and is awarded based on academic merit and leadership.



For more information, click here.


How To Apply For Scholarships


Here are some hints to help guide you through the application process:


Research: Start by researching the different scholarships available for international students. Look for scholarships specific to your field of study or your country of origin.


Eligibility: Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements for the scholarships you are interested in. Some scholarships may have specific GPA requirements, language proficiency requirements, or other qualifications.


Application Materials: Gather all the necessary application materials, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Make sure your documents are translated into English and notarized if required.


Prepare your application:

  1. Take the time to prepare a strong application.
  2. Highlight your achievements, experiences, and goals.
  3. Explain how the scholarship will help to achieve your goals.


Submit your application: Submit your application on time, and follow up with the scholarship provider if you have any questions.


Follow up with the scholarship provider to ensure your application has been received.


Keep your options open: Remember that scholarships are competitive, and you may not be successful in your first application. So keep looking for other scholarships and apply to as many as possible.


Visit the website of the schools you are interested in attending and check their financial aid page for more information on scholarships available.


Search for external scholarship databases such as Fastweb,,, and CIC Study in the USA for more opportunities.


Consult your school’s international office for guidance and advice on scholarship applications.


Following these tips will increase your chances of successfully obtaining a scholarship for your studies in the USA. Remember, with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.



In conclusion, applying for scholarships as an international student in the USA can be daunting. Still, the right preparation and research can be a rewarding and life-changing experience. Therefore, it is important to start early, research your options, and have all your documents ready before the deadline. Additionally, it’s essential to understand the application process and requirements for each scholarship you’re interested in. 


Remember to tailor your application to the scholarship and demonstrate your qualifications and potential as a student. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for help or contact the scholarship office if you have any questions or concerns. With determination and hard work, you’ll be able to find and apply for the right scholarship.


Written by jerro

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